Insta II by Babette 3 Reflectieprogramma uitleg 2

Reflection can be a dry busi­ness. That’s why we pre­pa­re our talks a litt­le mes­sier with the addi­ti­on of spi­ce. In pre­pa­ring the reflec­ti­on pro­gram­me for this year’s GIF, we want to pro­po­se a ten­der, jui­cy, and com­pli­men­ta­ry offe­ring. Our reflec­ti­ons are the­re­fo­re tied to key moments of liba­ti­on and sus­tenan­ce, whe­ther it be break­fast, lunch, din­ner, or a mid­night snack. Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast at VIERNULVIER, Lunch, din­ner and Wine & Whine at Kunsthal Gent, after­noon tea with Kopergietery in Rabot, the Vertrouwen-eve­ning of Pascal Gielen at CAMPO, and right back to Breakfast Club with Gouvernement. Whatever your palet­te, the­re is a reflec­ti­ve offe­ring for you. Smakelijk!

Thursday April 11th GKO-Café: A new role for art hou­ses | Shaping public spaces

Through its tenta­cles within the broad cul­tu­ral sec­tor, Gents Kunstenoverleg cat­ches many sig­nals rela­ted to pres­su­re on avai­la­ble spa­ce and how we deal with (semi-public) spa­ce in the city. Organizations have ques­ti­ons about sha­red use of spa­ce, sustai­na­bi­li­ty, what to do after a tem­po­ra­ry fil­ling in, who owns a spa­ce and how to sha­re their spa­ce with noma­dic organization.

We invi­te Jozef Wouters to offer us a dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ve from his art prac­ti­ce and chal­len­ge us to work out con­cre­te solu­ti­ons to the­se ques­ti­ons in a key­no­te. Afterwards, we will be hap­py to dis­cuss this with each other.

18:00h-19:00h Walk-in + food by SimSim

19:00u-20:30u Keynote Jozef Wouters (Dutch)

More info & reservation

Friday April 12th — Tot in de stad! Work in Progress (Kunsthal Gent)

Tot in de stad! is a net­work of Ghent orga­ni­za­ti­ons exchan­ging know­led­ge about artis­tic prac­ti­ces focu­sing on the soci­al and public spa­ce of the city. Twice a year, Tot in de stad! orga­ni­zes a Work in Progress, high­ligh­ting various artis­tic prac­ti­ces each time. On April 12th, we invi­te you to open stu­dios, a din­ner-con­ver­sa­ti­on, a per­for­man­ce, and a wine & whi­ne ses­si­on. We will also dis­cuss col­la­bo­ra­ti­on around a col­lec­ti­ve Ghent city fes­ti­val in 2025.

In coo­p­e­ra­ti­on with Manoeuvre, CAMPUSatelier, de Koer, Jong Gewei, Kunsthal Gent, VIERNULVIER, KASK&Conservatorium, and LUCA School of Arts Gent.

More infor­ma­ti­on and tic­kets and tickets

Saturday April 13th — Playtime (Kopergietery Rabot)

In Playtime,’ we let the young­sters speak for them­sel­ves. Together with local part­ners NTGent and artist Jesse Vandamme, KOPERGIETERY and their stu­dio acti­vi­ties, and Jong Gewei, we pre­sent 4 sharp pro­po­si­ti­ons for­mu­la­ted by the youth, about which we reflect and dis­cuss together. Tightly timed, just like playtime.

More infor­ma­ti­on and reser­va­ti­on (free)

Tuesday April 16th — WERKER COLLECTIVE: Study Group AGAINST WORK (SMAK)

Study Group AGAINST WORK aims to del­ve into the effects of post-indu­stri­al work on our bodies, minds, com­mu­ni­ties, and the bio­sp­he­re, whi­le envi­si­o­ning a futu­re wit­hout work, as we know it. AGAINST WORK oppo­ses the cur­rent exploi­ta­ti­ve insti­tu­ti­on of labour and aligns with the abo­li­ti­o­nist tra­di­ti­on, which ack­now­led­ges work as a (not-only) human acti­vi­ty of self-devel­op­ment for the com­mon good.

More infor­ma­ti­on and reser­va­ti­on (free)

Tuesday April 16th — BREAKFASTCLUB #6 (Campo Boma)

BREAKFASTCLUB is an inti­ma­te mee­ting with an artis­tic pro­po­sal and with each other. During a mee­ting at an unu­su­al time with a snack and a drink as a bin­ding fac­tor, other ways of sha­ring, loo­king and expe­rien­cing beco­me pos­si­ble. Gouvernement’s con­cept com­bi­nes artists’ pre­sen­ta­ti­on moments with a mode­ra­ted con­ver­sa­ti­on on the the­mes evo­ked by the works on show. In the con­text of GIF, we are put­ting together a pro­gram­me with art sci­en­ce stu­dents at UGent on young peo­p­le and child­ren as artis­tic partners.

More infor­ma­ti­on and tic­kets (€5)

Wednesday April 17th — Pascal Gielen Trust’ (Campo Boma)

Culture is the foun­da­ti­on of soci­e­ty. Everything is cul­tu­re: how we give mea­ning to our lives, how we inter­act with each other, how we enga­ge in poli­tics, how we do busi­ness, how we deal with the envi­ron­ment. Therefore, cul­tu­re should be freely sha­red and cre­a­ted by eve­ry­o­ne. After all, cul­tu­re is ori­gi­nal­ly a col­lec­ti­ve good. It occu­pies a third spa­ce bet­ween mar­ket and govern­ment, which we call com­mons’. Pascal Gielen (University of Antwerp) wro­te the book Trust about this cul­tu­ral com­mons’.

More infor­ma­ti­on and reser­va­ti­on (free)

Friday April 19th — POC POC Manifest — LUNCH TALK AND INTERVENTIONS (Kunsthal Gent)

Lunch talk: POC POC mani­fest Friday, April 19th, 13:0015:00 The POC POC mani­fest is a tool that sup­ports artists of color in navi­ga­ting the art world.

POC POC is the men­tor­ship pro­gram by The Constant Now that con­nects young artists of color with art pro­fes­si­o­nals. Through exhi­bi­ti­ons, pro­jects, dis­cus­si­ons, and visits, par­ti­ci­pants gain tools and insights to navi­ga­te the art world. The event is an ani­ma­ted live dis­cus­si­on and a show about what hap­pe­ned behind clo­sed doors in pre­pa­ring the mani­fest. The audien­ce is invi­ted to be part of the pro­cess and conversation.

In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with The Constant Now.

POC POC inter­ven­ti­ons & per­for­man­ce night
Friday, April 19th, 20:0022:00

More infor­ma­ti­on and reservation