GKO Café: A new role for art houses | Shaping changing places


Manoeuvre & Palestine Café: Onzichtbaar Werk


Basel Zaraa 'Dear Laila'

Memories of a Home: An Intimate Journey Through Loss and Resistance of a Palestinian Family

[cancelled] BREAKFASTCLUB #6



REFLECTION 'On Artistic Strategies of Unproductivity'

Sana Ghobbeh 'This Wall Grows At Its Root'


POC POC Manifesto

Reflection: talks and interventions

Tot in de stad! Work in Progress

Reflection: open studios, dinner conversation, performance, whine & wine



Endless Exhibition

Slowly changing exhibition without end date questions the autonomy of individual artworks

Tarek Atoui 'the Shore / a place I'd like to be'


Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat 'Là'


Building Castles in the Sky

Art trail: Ghent is transformed through the imagination of its youth

Frederico Araujo & Julie Mughunda 'SHARK'

Abattoir Fermé & Compagnie Cecilia 'GENESIS'

A turbulent and baroque spectacle

Pascal Gielen 'Vertrouwen'


DEEWEE, LIPPSTICK DJ's, Lieselot Siddiki & Pol Heyvaert 'Countdown'

Dancing all night with a countdown clock as the master of ceremonies

Lisa Vereertbrugghen 'While We Are Here'

Powerful crossover between techno and folk dance

Katy Baird 'Get off'

A raw and unfiltered glimpse into the human desire for connection

Benny Claessens 'White Flag'

Surrender as a form of resistance

Laurence Roothooft, Suze Milius 'SHE'

The role of a lifetime

Anna Vercammen & Joeri Cnapelinckx 'The Pale Baron'

Felix and Felka’s revolutionary Singalong 😉 Bingbong!

Rosie Sommers & Micha Goldberg 'GERMAN STAATSTHEATER'

Slapstick and self-mockery versus overstressed bodies and burn-outs

CANCELLED: Mette Ingvartsen 'Skatepark'

Contemporary dance on wheels

Brian Lobel with Gweneth-Ann Rand '24 Italian Songs & Arias'

A hilarious opera recital to celebrate failure

Milo Rau 'Medea's Children'

The blood-drenched tragedies of adult life seen through the eyes of children

Double bill: Francesca Grilli 'Record' & Sesa 'Spoken Word'

Performance on adolescence, between courage and isolation & spoken word performance

[cancelled] BREAKFASTCLUB #6


BFC6 fb
  • Tue 16.04 – 11:00 – CAMPO BOMA

BREAKFASTCLUB is an inti­ma­te mee­ting with an artis­tic pro­po­sal and with each other. During a mee­ting at an unu­su­al time with a snack and a drink as a bin­ding fac­tor, other ways of sha­ring, loo­king and expe­rien­cing beco­me pos­si­ble. Gouvernement’s con­cept com­bi­nes artists’ pre­sen­ta­ti­on moments with a mode­ra­ted con­ver­sa­ti­on on the the­mes evo­ked by the works on show.

In the con­text of GIF, we are put­ting together a pro­gram­me with Art Science stu­dents at UGent on young peo­p­le and child­ren as artis­tic part­ners. Together, we ask how child­ren’s play can be an artis­tic tool. We first watch Divinations (2019) by Sarah Vanagt, in which child­ren in Brussels, Sarajevo and Athens pre­dict the futu­re using a pro­jec­ti­on of mate­ri­als they found on the street. Afterwards, Mats Vandroogenbroeck and Jonas Baeke will pro­vi­de a rea­ding of their brand-new child­ren’s book Bambiraptor, based on the child­ren’s show of the same name.

All this will prompt a con­ver­sa­ti­on with mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist Junior Akwety, artis­tic peda­go­gue Maily Beyrens Xu and artis­tic direc­tor of Ghent the­a­tre for pre­schoo­l­ers 4Hoog Simon D’Huyvetter. 

Sarah Vanagt, Mats Vandroogenbroeck, Jonas Baeke, Junior Akwety, Maily Beyrens Xu, Simon D’Huyvetter

Lauren Borremans, Vincent Focquet, Marie Umuhoza en Nele Keukelier


KAAP, VIERNULVIER, STUK, Campo, De Studio, Het Theaterfestival, Rekto:Verso, Universiteit Gent en De Vlaamse Gemeenschap