GKO Café: A new role for art houses | Shaping changing places


Manoeuvre & Palestine Café: Onzichtbaar Werk


Basel Zaraa 'Dear Laila'

Memories of a Home: An Intimate Journey Through Loss and Resistance of a Palestinian Family

[cancelled] BREAKFASTCLUB #6



REFLECTION 'On Artistic Strategies of Unproductivity'

Sana Ghobbeh 'This Wall Grows At Its Root'


POC POC Manifesto

Reflection: talks and interventions

Tot in de stad! Work in Progress

Reflection: open studios, dinner conversation, performance, whine & wine



Endless Exhibition

Slowly changing exhibition without end date questions the autonomy of individual artworks

Tarek Atoui 'the Shore / a place I'd like to be'


Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat 'Là'


Building Castles in the Sky

Art trail: Ghent is transformed through the imagination of its youth

Frederico Araujo & Julie Mughunda 'SHARK'

Abattoir Fermé & Compagnie Cecilia 'GENESIS'

A turbulent and baroque spectacle

Pascal Gielen 'Vertrouwen'


DEEWEE, LIPPSTICK DJ's, Lieselot Siddiki & Pol Heyvaert 'Countdown'

Dancing all night with a countdown clock as the master of ceremonies

Lisa Vereertbrugghen 'While We Are Here'

Powerful crossover between techno and folk dance

Katy Baird 'Get off'

A raw and unfiltered glimpse into the human desire for connection

Benny Claessens 'White Flag'

Surrender as a form of resistance

Laurence Roothooft, Suze Milius 'SHE'

The role of a lifetime

Anna Vercammen & Joeri Cnapelinckx 'The Pale Baron'

Felix and Felka’s revolutionary Singalong 😉 Bingbong!

Rosie Sommers & Micha Goldberg 'GERMAN STAATSTHEATER'

Slapstick and self-mockery versus overstressed bodies and burn-outs

CANCELLED: Mette Ingvartsen 'Skatepark'

Contemporary dance on wheels

Brian Lobel with Gweneth-Ann Rand '24 Italian Songs & Arias'

A hilarious opera recital to celebrate failure

Milo Rau 'Medea's Children'

The blood-drenched tragedies of adult life seen through the eyes of children

Double bill: Francesca Grilli 'Record' & Sesa 'Spoken Word'

Performance on adolescence, between courage and isolation & spoken word performance

Basel Zaraa 'Dear Laila'

Memories of a Home: An Intimate Journey Through Loss and Resistance of a Palestinian Family

Dear Laila 10
  • Tue 09.04 – 12:00 – DE VOORUIT - Studio Groot
  • Wed 10.04 – 12:00 – DE VOORUIT - Studio Groot
  • Thu 11.04 – 12:00 – DE VOORUIT - Studio Groot
  • Fri 12.04 – 12:00 – DE VOORUIT - Studio Groot
  • Sat 13.04 – 12:00 – DE VOORUIT - Studio Groot

Winner of ZKB Prize Audience Award 2023

Dear Laila, you are five now and have star­ted to ask me whe­re I grew up, and why we can’t go the­re. This is me trying to give you an answer.”

The see­ds of Dear Laila’ were plan­ted when Basel’s five-year-old daugh­ter began to ask him about his home gro­wing up. Unable to take her the­re, he deci­ded he would try to bring the pla­ce to her, by cre­a­ting a model of his child­hood home in Yarmouk Palestinian refu­gee camp in Damascus.
Dear Laila’ sha­res the Palestinian expe­rien­ce of dis­pla­ce­ment and resis­tan­ce through the sto­ry of one fami­ly, explo­ring how war and exi­le are expe­rien­ced through the eve­ry­day, the domestic, and the public spa­ce. Dear Laila’ uses the retel­ling of memo­ries and tac­ti­le details to bring this now dest­roy­ed pla­ce to life.

An inti­ma­te, inter­ac­ti­ve instal­la­ti­on expe­rien­ced by one audien­ce mem­ber at a time. Choose a time fra­me bet­ween 12 pm and 7:40 pm when buying a tic­ket.

8/15 min/​English